The Kent-Moore J-41425-6 3/8" Foot Assembly is a replacement part for the J-41425. It is a non-stock item, so it must be ordered directly from the manufacturer.
The foot assembly is made of steel and has a 3/8" thread. It is used to attach the J-41425 to a workbench or other surface.
Key Features:
- Replacement part for the J-41425
- Non-stock item, manufacturer drop ship only
- Made of steel
- 3/8" thread
- Attaching the J-41425 to a workbench or other surface
- Replaces worn or damaged foot assembly
- Allows for secure attachment of the J-41425 to a workbench or other surface
To learn more about the Kent-Moore J-41425-6 3/8" Foot Assembly, please visit our website or contact us today.
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