Foto/Frisket Low Tack Masking Film Rolls of 24” x
14’ Matte 621
The ideal transparent, self-adhering masking material, specially
designed for easy lift-off. It will not lift the surface of already
completed work.
Foto/Frisket® leaves no residue after removal, and cuts with
ease. Used by fine artists, illustrators, photo retouchers and others
who require precise
masking technique.
j Matte finish will accept pencil
jTranslucent backing for easy stencil
and mask cutting on light boxes
j Available in Gloss or Matte finish
j Will not buckle along film edge, thus
preventing underspray
j Long shelf life
Rolls of 24” x 14’ (60.98cm x 4.556m) Matte #621
Air Brush 621 Foto/Frisket Low Tack Masking Film Rolls of 24”
x 14’ Matte
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