US Chemical & Plastics | 24035 | Duraglas Fiberglass Body Filler Rustproof Waterproof Quart

US Chemical & Plastics | Duraglas Fiberglass Filled Filler Wide Mouth Squat Quart | 24035

Duraglas(R) body filler is the original fiberglass reinforced automotive body repair filler. Formulated with short-strand fiberglass fibers, Duraglas provides ultimate strength and durability on rust-outs, holes, tears and cracks. Ideal for use on metal and fiberglass panels.

  • #1 Short-strand fiberglass filled body filler
  • Reinforced for superior strength
  • Use with fiberglass cloth for large repairs
  • Rustproof. Waterproof.

COLOR: Blue-green (as packaged)

MIX: 2% by weight (50:1 ratio) with supplied cream hardener.

SUBSTRATE: Metal. Aluminum. Fiberglass. Wood. Masonry. Concrete.

SUGGESTED USE: Rust repairs. Repair cracks and holes in fiberglass. Use on weld areas and bond seams for automotive and marine repairs.

TOP COAT: All-Metal (for a completely waterproof repair). Finishing Putty.

Image is representative of product, 1 Gallon size in image.

US Chemical & Plastics 24035 Duraglas(R) Fiberglass Filled Filler 1 Squat Quart

We have 556 in stock

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This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 27 March, 2012.

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