Many of today's workshops demand a device that helps them diagnose via the communication link, especially the latest CAN- Bus vehicles. When the scan tool fails to establish communication with a scan tool, the OBDII system seems not to respond, or a CAN-Bus system related fault code is registered, you need to begin testing at the communication link.
The CAN Test Box (CTB) is a diagnostic tool which connects to a vehicle's OBDII connector and is used to easily diagnose electrical faults.
- Instantly check Power and Ground circuits!
- Identify Communication Link Protocols!
- Connect an oscilloscope for signal capture and collection of signal waveform data!
The concept of the product is simple - a breakout box provides standard banana plug connection points to all lines in the J1962 OBDII connector, which allows connection to individual lines on an OBDII connector easily and securely.
- Pass-through Technology
- Intuitive Interface
- Compatibility with any oscilloscope or scan tool
Click link below for additional information.
Strategic Tools CTB-1005-3 CAN Test Box (CTB) For Cars & Light Trucks STGCTB-1005-3
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