Hi-Tech Industries | PAINTBRUSH DETAIL | HTI-516
A high-quality paintbrush designed specifically for cleaning around automobile moldings and seams. The .75-inch-long, 1.5-inch-wide black china bristles are soft enough to prevent damage to the paint, yet firm enough to remove dirt and grime. The brush is also very effective in removing wax residue around emblems. The overall length of the brush is 6.5 inches.
Key Features
- Black china bristles are soft enough to prevent damage to the paint, yet firm enough to remove dirt and grime
- Very effective in removing wax residue around emblems
- Overall length of 6.5 inches
- Cleaning around automobile moldings and seams
- Removing wax residue around emblems
- Prevents damage to the paint
- Removes dirt and grime
- Removes wax residue
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