Features and Benefits
- Prolongs brake fluid life
- Fights dangerous internal brake system corrosion
- Protects expensive brake parts
- Turns ordinary brake fluid into high grade luxury fluid
- Compatible with DOT 3,4 and 5.1 brake fluid
Over time brake fluid loses its ability to protect a brake system from internal corrosion. Internal corrosion is similar to termites eating a brake system from the inside out. It is best to use preventative measures to slow internal corrosion before brake failure occurs.
You will need to use a Phoenix Systems BrakeStrip 3006-B to determine copper levels of brake fluid before adding BrakeShot. BrakeShot should be added when brake fluid is below 200ppm copper to help slow down dangerous internal corrosion. If brake fluid is over 200ppm then it must be changed before adding BrakeShot.
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