Electronic Specialties | 302M | Mini Fuse Buddy Circuit Tester 0-20 Amp | Easy Diagnostics

Circuit testing made EASY! The Fuse Buddy Tester connects directly into the fuse socket, measuring from 0 to 20 Amps. No more clumsy connections at the fuse box, adapter fitting plugs directly into fuse socket and stays put. Removed fuse is plugged into the Fuse Buddy maintaining circuit protection. Great for diagnostic troubleshooting and parasitic drains.

Key Features:

  • Designed specifically for circuit testing, Fuse Buddy plugs right into fuse socket - easy connection for circuit current testing.
  • Fuse Buddy will measure circuit amperage from 0 to 20 Amps - time saving design.
  • Unique design incorporates removed fuse to maintain circuit protection.
  • Test range 0 to 20 Amps
  • .01 Amp resolution.


  • Circuit testing
  • Diagnostic troubleshooting
  • Parasitic drains


  • Easy to use
  • Time saving
  • Maintains circuit protection

Only 3 left in stock - order soon

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List Price: $24.00 You save: $0.96

This product was added to our catalog on Monday 12 February, 2007.

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