Steering Wheel Remover/Lock Plate Compressor Set

Supersedes 7927
    Removing steering wheels of most domestic and imported vehicles, with or without telescoping tilt steering columns, is easy with this new set.

    It accesses the turn signal switch and S.I.R. modules on current GM vehicles. Also works on older GM, AMC, and Chrysler vehicles with tilt or conventional steering columns.
  • The No. 7245 steering wheel puller, with four sets of cap screws needed for various thread requirements.
  • The No. 7815 steering wheel lock plate compressor, to compress the steering wheel lock plate to remove or install the snap ring.
  • The No. 7889 steering pivot pin remover for Saginaw steering columns.
  • Convenient plastic carrying case.
OTC 7927A Steering Wheel Remover/Lock Plate Compressor Set

Only 2 left in stock - order soon

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List Price: $105.00 You save: $16.96

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This product was added to our catalog on Friday 16 February, 2007.

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