This repair contains a blend of aramid and refractory fibers giving the strength of a bullet-proof vest and the heat resistance of fire-proof clothing. As these particles penetrate a crack or the blown head gasket area, they lock together and bond forming a hard permanent ceramic type seal. Works effectively on cast iron or aluminum blocks & heads. Detailed English / Spanish instructions on back label take you through each step of using the product. Overheating can be caused by a blown head gasket, cracked head or leaking block. Bars Leaks Block Seal Head Gasket Repair eliminates this problem. In addition, overheating can be caused by a stuck thermostat, bad water pump or defective radiator cap. Make sure these cooling system parts are in good working order before using Bars Leaks Block Seal Head Gasket Repair. When one of these parts fails, it can cause the head gasket to fail.
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