This unique tool has been designed to lock the left intake cam in place while servicing the cam chain drive system. Because years of problems with soft balance shaft gears in this engine group Mercedes has refined the repair procedure which reduced the time paid to the technician. This procedure includes setting the engine to an unusual timing degree, (the original timing chain has no reference marks and it is very important to keep all related components in time). This procedure allows the left intake cam to shift position by many teeth when the chain is removed which could cause damage to the engine and additional time spent reacquiring the correct cam timing. The lock is placed in rear intake cam and bolted to the cylinder head locking the cam keeping it from rotating reducing the chance of making a mistake on the cam timing.
Saves time by eliminating left intake cam movement Eliminates the need for additional man hours to hold the cam in place Eliminates left intake cam movement which could cause engine damage Makes it easier to keep all related components in time with each other
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