METALIZER, SILVER, 11OZPlasti Dip Metalizer Enhancer is a shimmering, metallic finish while letting the color of the Plasti Dip underneath show through. Plasti Dip Enhancers are specially designed to make the already-outstanding Plasti Dip home solution even better. These Enhancers are easy to use and will give any Plasti Dipped item a unique look. With Plasti Dip Metalizer, can further customize the colors of the Plasti Dip projects. Metalizer is not intended for use on its own. Must be applied over Plasti Dip.
Features / Benefits
Remains flexible and stretchy over time
Will not crack or become brittle in extreme weather conditions
Proven in temperatures from -30°F to 200°F
Easy to use application
Metallic finish
Status: Y
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