Hi-Tech Industries | 00 STEEL WOOL SLEEVE 16 PAD/SL | 72016 | Restores original appearence to aluminum trim. Smooths burns on furniture and leather. Cleans old brass. Polishes copper. Repaires varnished surfaces. 16 pads/sleeve.
Key Features
- 16 pads/sleeve
- Restores original appearence to aluminum trim
- Smooths burns on furniture and leather
- Cleans old brass
- Polishes copper
- Repaires varnished surfaces
- Use on aluminum trim to restore its original appearance
- Use on furniture and leather to smooth burns
- Use on old brass to clean it
- Use on copper to polish it
- Use on varnished surfaces to repair them
- Restores the original appearance of aluminum trim
- Smooths burns on furniture and leather
- Cleans old brass
- Polishes copper
- Repaires varnished surfaces
Order now and get your Hi-Tech Industries 00 Steel Wool Sleeve today!
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