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Pullers are a type of mechanical device used to remove parts from an assembly by applying a pulling force. They are typically used in automotive repair, but can also be found in other industries such as manufacturing and construction.
There are many different types of pullers, each designed for a specific application. Some of the most common types include:
- Screw pullers: These pullers use a threaded rod to apply a pulling force. They are typically used to remove bolts or studs that are difficult to access or have been damaged.
- Hydraulic pullers: These pullers use a hydraulic cylinder to apply a pulling force. They are typically used to remove heavy or stubborn parts.
- Pneumatic pullers: These pullers use compressed air to apply a pulling force. They are typically used in industrial applications where a high pulling force is required.
Pullers are an essential tool for any automotive mechanic. They can be used to remove a variety of parts, including bearings, seals, and gears. By using a puller, you can safely and easily remove a part without damaging the surrounding components.
Types of Pullers
- Screw pullers
- Hydraulic pullers
- Pneumatic pullers
Benefits of Using Pullers
- Safely and easily remove a part without damaging the surrounding components
- Available in a variety of types to meet different needs
- Affordable and easy to use
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