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Pullers are a type of mechanical device used to remove parts from a fixed object. They are typically used in automotive repair, but can also be used in other industries such as manufacturing and construction.
There are many different types of pullers, each designed for a specific purpose. Some of the most common types of pullers include:
- Screw pullers: These pullers are used to remove screws that are stuck or damaged. They consist of a threaded rod with a forked end that fits over the screw head.
- Bearing pullers: These pullers are used to remove bearings from shafts. They consist of a series of tapered jaws that are inserted between the bearing and the shaft.
- Gear pullers: These pullers are used to remove gears from shafts. They consist of a series of tapered jaws that are inserted between the gear and the shaft.
Pullers are an essential tool for any automotive mechanic. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to use, and can save a lot of time and frustration when it comes to removing stuck or damaged parts.
Types of Pullers
- Screw pullers
- Bearing pullers
- Gear pullers
- Oil pan pullers
- Piston pin pullers
- Hub pullers
- Bearing race pullers
- Seal pullers
- Valve spring compressors
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