Fluorescent Light 15W 30 Ft Cord

  • This lamp is a classic, dependable flourescent. It is a single-tubed lamp and is effective for dispersing the light along a medium to long area.
  • 30 ft. cord is two conductor, 18 gauge wire, and carries a maximum rating of 7 amps (only applicable if you have a Tool Tap).
  • The wires are encased in an oil-resistant, all-weather sheath.
  • This particular cord has a molded-on plug with a cord grip for easy hanking.
  • The cord color is safety-yellow for high visibility.
Non-stock item, back order status; please email service@toolsource.com for cost and lead time.

Saf-T-Lite 1215-5000 15 Watt Fluorescent Light w/ 30` Cord

Usually In Stock
Usually ships in 24-48 hours
Manufacturer Direct


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This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 01 February, 2007.

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